
My own productivity tools


The Best Productivity Tools

  • Nowadays: Windows10 + Arch Linux (Used Debian, Ubuntu 24.04 and Ubuntu 22.04 in the past)
  • VMware (Recommend), WSL2
  • VSCode (Highly recommended!! It has many extensions for developer.), Vim, Neovim
  • Typora (Used with VSCode to write Markdown)
  • PotPlayer (Recommend), VLC media player (MP3 and MP4 players)
  • Sumatra PDF (Most lightweight PDF reader), Adobe Acrobat DC
  • WinDjView (DjVu viewer)
  • WinRAR (压缩工具)
  • Xmind (思维导图)
  • LocalSend (An open-source cross-platform alternative to AirDrop)
  • Web Browser: Edge (Usual on Mobile Phone), Chrome (Default), Firefox (Support)
  • GitHub Desktop (Interact with GitHub using a GUI instead of the command line), Git
  • Inkscape (Free and Open Source Vector Drawing)
  • Adobe Software: Ps, Ai, Id, Pr, Ae
  • Sketchbook, AutoCAD, SketchUp, MATLAB

  • Search Engines: Google, Bing (In Chinese)


  • LaTeX (TeX Live 2024 + VSCode)
  • Python3.12
  • Zsh (v5.9), Bash
  • Makefile (Automation tool)
  • C/C++ (Most of the time it is used to write algorithmic programs)
  • GCC (Linux) (gcc for c language, g++ for cpp)
  • HTML + CSS + JavaScript (Mainly generated through TypeScript)
  • Go, Rust (Learning)



  • I used Debian and Ubuntu in the past time, but they only offer a long-term stable version, which means that most of the time, users can’t use the latest version of the software.

    Ubuntu binds a lot of things that users don’t need, and then I transferred the platform to Debian, Debian is the upstream of Ubuntu, and it is driven by the community. Debian and Ubuntu is based on deb package management, so in the migration process, I didn’t encounter any big problems.

    If you want a long-term stable development environment, I recommend using Debian. If you want to experience the latest software, then use Arch Linux.

  • VMware is now free for individuals, but there are limitations to a lot of performance in virtual machines. This is a very big disadvantage for a developer. If you need to use Linux on Windows10, I recommend using WSL2, which will meet 99% of your personal needs.

  • I used Edge in the past time, but I don’t really know why this browser is doing so badly. It accesses web pages slower than turtle crawls. At one point, I thought it was something wrong with my computer equipment, and since I used Chrome, I can’t go back to Edge.