
Chänzz's Notebook

Notebook Status

Last update


This is a repository where I keep the TeX source notes about math courses I’m studying. By definition, everything here is stuff I’m learning for the first time. The content is therefore likely to be riddled with errors, inaccuracies, and is generally in a really rough state. There are more holes than Swiss cheese.

Where can I get the compiled PDF?

Use the URL.

Why did you post this?

Mostly to force myself to actually do work by holding myself accountable. If I don’t commit anything here for a while, then it’ll be obvious I’ve been slacking off, and then everyone in the world can see:

Last update

There is one other benefit to me. I expect 90% of people reading this repository won’t understand a single word of what’s going on, and will just be like “orz”. Which is good public relations for me, because then I can keep pretending I’m good at math, when really I have absolutely no clue what I’m doing.