
Chänzz's Mathematical Journey

Elementary Mathematics

I have been involved in the Math Olympiad and received relevant training since 2009. Since 2010, I has participated in several Math Olympic competitions and obtained good results in 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017 and 2018. Then I retired in April 2019. These are the results of my exposure to Math Olympiad as a child and teenage.

Why I chose a math major at university is another story. By chance, in spring 2021, I started learning calculus through extracurricular books. The book was written by an American and translated to Chinese. It’s not like most math books I’ve ever seen. It goes into such detail that no detail is missed. I read the book very quickly, and it took me less two months to read most of it. This book taught me some basic calculus. Thanks to this book, I firmly chose mathematics as my major. I have recommended this book to many people over the years. Even now, this book is my highly recommended introductory calculus textbook.

All right. The book I mentioned above is The Calculus Lifesaver by Adrian Banner.
(Remark: At that time, my English level was not enough to support me to read the original English books. So I read the Chinese translation. However, I recommend that if you have a good English level, please choose the original English textbook first.)

In fall 2021, I entered the university majoring in mathematics. And my story with mathematics is just beginning.

Undergraduate Mathematics

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(For a list of recommended mathematical textbooks, please click here.)

Learning: In summer 2021, I started learning the undergraduate mathematical course.

  • I was introduced to algebraic geometry in spring 2023. In fact, I officially started studying algebraic geometry in fall 2023. Because the previous knowledge required by this branch is too much and too complicated, I have been unable to get started.

I learning the follow mathematical courses.

  • Analysis and Equation: Mathematical Analysis, Complex Analysis, Ordinary Differential Equation, Real Analysis, Functional Analysis
  • Algebra and Number Theory: Linear Algebra, Abstract Algebra, Category Theory, Group Theory, Ring Theory, Commutative Algebra, Algebraic Curves
  • Geometry and Topology: Point-Set Topology, Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces, An Introduction to Manifolds, Algebra Topology

Here I mainly write about my own experience in the process of learning mathematics.

Graduate Mathematics

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this is the graduate mathematics

Ph.D. (If I can be admitted)