写一遍手写体,对应上 LaTeX 的符号,以便于以后区分。
This is a note about my handwritten symbol. You may see the following symbols on any of my manuscripts and handwritten notes on mathematics. In order to better discern the meaning of symbolic representation, I have written this note.
Images | Meanings |
Number “0”. It is 0 for programming monospace fonts. | |
Number “12345678” | |
Number “9”. Don’t confuse it with a “q”. | |
Latin alphabet “aAbB” | |
Latin alphabet “cC” | |
Latin alphabet “dDeEfFgGhH” | |
Latin alphabet “iIjJkKlLmMnN”. Please be case-sensitive. | |
Latin alphabet “oO” | |
Latin alphabet “pPqQ”. Don’t confuse “q” with the number “9”. | |
Latin alphabet “rR” | |
Latin alphabet “sS” | |
Latin alphabet “tTuUvVwW” | |
Latin alphabet “xXyYzZ”. The lowercase “z” is a bit like the Chinese “子”. | |